Delicate Tissue

Featured in: Tu Gh’eg Tl’e’th // Streams

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“Delicate Tissue” is about the precarious and sometimes volatile relationships we share with the Land, and with one another. The flesh and bone of the natural world are sacred gifts to be nurtured and honoured. We should adorn ourselves with consciousness, as the spiritual energy of the harvest becomes a part of our own history. The threads of our interconnection run delicately deep, and should be woven together with beauty, integrity, and purpose. Part I of the collection first debuted at Somerset House in London at the 2019 International Fashion Showcase, and will be brought home as an extended collection, reflecting the designers continued progress in his journey overseas. New pieces shared will evoke an exploration into costume, influenced by his collaborative projects with performance artists in London. The result is a soft, colourful collection that inspires movement, emotion and fantasy.